Students can hone their public speaking and research skills, and
take a deep dive into current events, US government and global civics this summer!
Debate camp: During this 2-day mini-camp, students will learn about Public Forum Debate, which is a two-person team-based debate using pre-determined questions based on current events.
On Day 1 we will learn about the style of debate, see a debate in action, practice public speaking, assign partners, and discuss how to research and prepare to debate on Day 2.​
On Day 2 students will meet with their team partners and practice with help from adult coaches. Then, each team will get to debate their question with feedback from the adult coaches.
Cost to attend: $120 (discounts for families with multiple learners, or for learners attending more than one session - see below)
Tween camp (ages 11-13): June 20 and June 22 (12-3 each day)
U.S. Based Model Diplomacy Simulation: Chronic violence, political instability, and lack of economic opportunity in the Central American region known as the Northern Triangle—comprising El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—have driven increasing numbers to migrate and seek asylum in the United States. The President has called a special meeting of the National Security Council to hear proposals on a politically, socially, and economically feasible solution to the current situation. Students will take on the role of a member of the President's National Security Council, and will propose a solution to a foreign policy issue.​ Roles will include President, Vice-President, National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, and other cabinet members.
On Day 1, we will learn about foreign policy and diplomacy from the perspective of the U.S. government. Who in the government is involved, and why? What power and responsibility does the President have? How has US foreign policy evolved over the years? Students will be assigned roles, and we will discuss how to research and prepare for the meeting on Day 2.​
On Day 2, we will review the structure of the National Security Council meeting, and then conduct a meeting where each representative will present their proposal to the President, who will be tasked with choosing the best option to address the issue at hand.
This camp is for students ages 13-18 and meets July 11 and 13 (12-3 each day)
Cost to attend: $120 (discounts for families with multiple learners, or for learners attending more than one session - see below)​
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a discount available? YES! For each additional family member who registers, or for one student attending multiple camps, the second (and subsequent) registrations will cost $100
Example: Student Kermit is going to take the Teen Debate camp and the Model Diplomacy United Nations Camp: total cost will be $220
Example: Student Kermit is going to take the Teen Debate Camp, and Kermit's sister Abby is going to do the Tween Debate Camp: total cost will be $220
Do parents have to stay on site? Because the Logic Creative Labs facility is not classified as a school or daycare, custodial adults must be on campus. Parents may discuss amongst themselves who is in custody of their child. Please be absolutely certain that the custodial parent and cell is listed on the sign in sheet. While every parent does not have to be present at all times, some parents who are serving as custodial adults must be present at all times.
When is the deadline to register? The deadline to register for the June Debate Camps is June 1. The deadline to register for the July Model Diplomacy Camps is July 1.
How do we register? Registration for these camps is through the button at the top or bottom of the page. This is not being handled through OSH.
How do we pay? You will be invoiced at the beginning of June for Debate, and beginning of July for Model Diplomacy. Payment can be made though PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle.
Can non-LCL students attend? Yes. They will have to provide proof of Covid immunization and abide by all LCL guidelines, including masking if that is still required at the time of the camp.
How do I ask more questions? Email